sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

Vowels sounds

In English Phonetic there are 12 pure  vowels sounds and 8 diphthongs. It is maybe the most difficult part to learn  English for Spanish speakers because we have just 5 vowels sounds. In the phonology class we learned these English vowels sounds one by one and how they sounds through a useful chart:

The vowels can be divided according of: vowel quality: simple, complex; area: High, middle, neutral; lip shapes: spread, neutral, rounded; and length: lengthened, unlengthened. I think is very important know the vowels sounds because it help us to have a perfect pronunciation of each word in English language.   

2 comentarios:

  1. Eventhough there are just 5 vowels, I realized there are around 12 different sounds for them. I think it is important to learn how every word is pronounced so check the following link it can help a lot www.howjsay.com

  2. That’s true that for Spanish Speakers is difficult to produce that sounds because in our language we have only 5 sounds. One sound for each vowel. However, during these classes I have learned how to produce most of the sounds because the chart help us a lot to understand where the sound is produced and how we need to place our tongue inside the mouth to produce the sounds
