sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

Song presentation

As a complement of the song transcription I sang the song call "Dust in the wind " in front of mi class just whit the consonant sounds. My objective in this work was perceive the way to speak of English singers because the pronunciation can change in context. In addition I could notice that just with the consonants sounds we can recognize what word are listening. Furthermore when I did this presentation I learned to lost the fear in public.

2 comentarios:

  1. This is a very good way to learn the correct pronunciation of many words. the use of songs, movies, TV shows might be a good way to teach the correct pronunciation for someone who is learning english.

  2. I’m agree with Criss the best way to la=earn and improve our pronunciation is sing a songs especially those classic because in that song people don’t use a lot slangs and they pronounced most of the time in the right way
