sábado, 2 de junio de 2012


Phonology is an important skill inside English Language learning, because it helps to English learners to know the exactly sound of the letters (vowels and consonants), as a result we can articulate correctly the words. A good way to improve English pronunciation is memorize every single sound that we was learned, to apply them when we are speaking in order to have a excellent pronunciation and can recognize a word just with listen it. Furthermore we have to careful to notice the variation that exist in the words when are in context and when are in an expression.Now I have improved a lot with the phonology class in my articulation, intonation and perform in English language. 

Vowels sounds

In English Phonetic there are 12 pure  vowels sounds and 8 diphthongs. It is maybe the most difficult part to learn  English for Spanish speakers because we have just 5 vowels sounds. In the phonology class we learned these English vowels sounds one by one and how they sounds through a useful chart:

The vowels can be divided according of: vowel quality: simple, complex; area: High, middle, neutral; lip shapes: spread, neutral, rounded; and length: lengthened, unlengthened. I think is very important know the vowels sounds because it help us to have a perfect pronunciation of each word in English language.   

Song presentation

As a complement of the song transcription I sang the song call "Dust in the wind " in front of mi class just whit the consonant sounds. My objective in this work was perceive the way to speak of English singers because the pronunciation can change in context. In addition I could notice that just with the consonants sounds we can recognize what word are listening. Furthermore when I did this presentation I learned to lost the fear in public.

Song Transcription

Another important work of phonology class was the transcription of  a song in English. The objective of this work was notice that the most important part of a word are the consonant sounds. In addition I learned how transcript the words just listening how them are pronounced. It was very useful for me because I could detect the differences between words that are very similar as for example "dust /dst/" and "just /st/ ".

Tongue Twisters

According whit "THE FREE DICTIONARY" Tongue Twister is a word or group of words difficult to articulate rapidly, usually because of a succession of similar consonantal sounds. In the phonology class I learned and perform tongue twisters. It help me to practice the articulation of several words that sounds a little similar but are not equal and how differ of each other.Although this work I could modulate the consonants sounds and I knew the correct pronunciation of some words. In addition I practiced how speak in a rapid way without errors. I recommend to practice tongue twister because they are very useful to distinguish the sound of the words, and how articulate them.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Consonant Sounds

In articulatory phonetics, a consonant is a speech sound that is articulated with complete or partial closure of the vocal tract. In English language there are 24 consonant sounds. In phonology class I learned the exactly pronunciation of each of them, through a chart, when I could see the place and the manner of articulation of every sound. It was very useful for me, because now I can identify the consonant sound when I heard a word, so I can recognize what it means. To learn English is indispensable know the correct way to pronunciation the words, and the consonant sounds is the 80% of the total articulation of them, so, if you recognize all of these sounds, can be said that you almost know how speak this language.